Thursday, February 2, 2012

Project 8 - Class Reflections

Please leave a comment responding to ALL three questions:
(1) What was your favorite project?  Include a reason why.
(2) What was your least favorite project?  Include a reason why.
(3) Was there a project that you wish we had done?


  1. 1) The mug (image editing) because it will be useful in the future when we do school projects (like imovie) It was also simple because all you had to do you delete the background and as long as you were patient it was easy.

    2) Project #7. The instructions were pretty confusing, and I found it hard to follow. But once you finally got to the pages you needed to get to, it was simple enough

    3) No, these projects were are (sort of) useful in the future in school

  2. favorite project was the avatar because it was fun to create little people. least favorite project was the GPA averaging. This is because it was hard and I didn’t know what to do.
    3.there was no more projects that I wish we had done.

  3. 1) My favorite project was when we had to create the avatar of ourselves. I really liked this project
    because I really believe that it got all of our creative energy out.

    2) My least favorite project was when we had to find the reasons why a website was fake, and then post your answer on blogspot. I at first didn't like this project because I was afraid of looking stupid in my post. But now I realized that blogging isn't as scary as I thought it was! :D

    3) I wish we could've done a few more practical projects, but all in all, I think all of these projects were sort of practical. They were all really fun too!

  4. 1) My favorite project was making the avatar. I think we really got to use our creativity.

    2)My least favorite project was the excel. I didn't like this project because it was confusing me with the whole formula's and numbers.

    3) I wish we could have done more artsy projects. Some similar to the turtle art or avatar.

    1. my fave project was the excel spread sheet bc it was easy

      my least favorite was the blogging because it was hard.

      I wish we could have done a build your own website project.

  5. 1. my favorite project was the excel project because the introduction was easy and finding out our gpa was cool too

    2. My least favorite was the turtle art because i would work so hard then it could get ruined really easy

    3. I think all the projects were good except for the turtle art which i dont think will help us
